This is Samuel. He is a jolly 7 years old primary school pupil. He lives with his family in a small village in Kaabong, northeast Karamoja. Samuel was born with a cleft lip.
Amudat, ending Gender Based Violence
Amudat closed the “16 Days of Activism” campaign last week with a great celebration at the district headquarters. This international campaign says no to gender-based violence (GBV)!
Beds and blankets for pupils in Karamoja
With heartwarming support from our donors in the Netherlands, we were able to purchase and deliver 17 triple decker beds, 200 mattresses and 200 blankets to different schools in Karamoja.
Assembly for students in Amudat
Together with our local partner Hope for the Children in Amudat we have again finished a very successful vacation program. All sponsored primary and secondary students and our sponsored students got together for 3 days and nights at Katikit.
CoRSU hospital visits Karamoja
The situation of the children with a handicap in Karamoja is poignant. These children often have a utterly lack of perspective for their future and are not being valued and embraced by their families and the local community. An innate handicap is often considered as a curse or regarded as witchcraft. Furthermore good hospitals are distant. These vulnerable children don’t get the opportunity to a normal childhood and access to education. We want to make a difference ! With access to medical care, good information and improvement of living conditions of this vulnerable group.