Samuel after surgery

17 December 2020

This is Samuel. He is a jolly 7 years old primary school pupil. He lives with his family in a small village in Kaabong, northeast Karamoja. Samuel was born with a cleft lip. 

Assembly for students in Amudat

3 December 2020

Together with our local partner Hope for the Children in Amudat we have again finished a very successful vacation program. All sponsored primary and secondary students and our sponsored students got together for 3 days and nights at Katikit.

CoRSU hospital visits Karamoja

1 December 2020

The situation of the children with a handicap in Karamoja is poignant. These children often have a utterly lack of perspective for their future and are not being valued and embraced by their families and the local community. An innate handicap is often considered as a curse or regarded as witchcraft. Furthermore good hospitals are distant. These vulnerable children don’t get the opportunity to a normal childhood and access to education. We want to make a difference ! With access to medical care, good information and improvement of living conditions of this vulnerable group.