About us

Child Care Africa Foundation (CCA) was founded in 2019 in the Netherlands. The founders witnessed the hopeless and desperate situation of many orphans and vulnerable children in Africa, and we decided to come together and to help! We give vulnerable children opportunities to enable them to escape the poverty cycle, to realize their dreams and to help their family, community and country! We support the most vulnerable children, regardless of their ethnicity, political flavour or religion.

Our mission:
Improved living conditions and future prospects for the most vulnerable children in Africa.

Biblical motive:
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not (Galatians 6:9).”

Our foundation consists of five board members, an office manager, a supervisor rehabilitation and two scholarship program supervisors. CCA is a small organization with a professional and committed team. We closely monitor our programmes and we know how our funds are utilized. We assure you that 100% of your donation is used to benefit the children, their families and their communities in Africa!

Click on the photos to read interviews with our team members.

Member: Willy Rietveld
Secretary: Harriet Walhout
Member: Wim Otte
Supervisor Scholarship Program: Elias and Iris Okiror

Our local partners:

CCA works together with devoted and experienced partners in Uganda, changemakers in their own communities

HFC team