AWARE terrain make-over

4 September 2020

Our partner “Action for women and Awakening in Rural Environment (AWARE)” in Kaabong has refurbished its office and terrain with donations from the local community.

Food shortage and malnutrition

15 June 2020

In Karamoja the number of malnourished children increases. In 2018, three out of ten children younger than 5 years old were malnourished. By now this has increased to four out of ten, 40%. In most cases it is acute malnourishment, a dangerous condition that hinders the development of the brain.

Now, during COVID-19, help is needed desperately

3 June 2020

Last month we wrote an article about the worldwide increase of child marriages because of COVID-19. Fortunately we can say that all our 143 students (87 girls, 56 boys) are safe up to now. Our local partners in Amudat and Kaabong regularly visit the children and youngster and keep in touch with parents and care takers.

Corona in Uganda

25 March 2020

The Corona virus (or COVID-19) is a global pandemic that is targeting especially the elderly and sickly population. The Ugandan government is taking serious measures to prevent the further outbreak of the corona virus.