The situation of the children with a handicap in Karamoja is poignant. These children often have a utterly lack of perspective for their future and are not being valued and embraced by their families and the local community. An innate handicap is often considered as a curse or regarded as witchcraft. Furthermore good hospitals are distant. These vulnerable children don’t get the opportunity to a normal childhood and access to education. We want to make a difference ! With access to medical care, good information and improvement of living conditions of this vulnerable group.
In November CCA invited a team of doctors and staff members of CoRSU hospital in Karamajo. They could meet the children and judge whether a treatment in their specialised hospital was possible. The CoRSU team visited with CCA children in Katakwi, Napak and Kaabong.
The attendance was bigger than expected. A total of 80 children and their parents/caretakers came to the specified venue. Upon arrival the CoRSU team gave good information about various ailments which can be treated in CoRSU and rights of children with a handicap. Like access to education, medical care and self-development. The children and parents/caretakers were offered some food and drinks and patiently waited their turn. One by one the children were judged. Fortunately over half of these children could be treated by CoRSU. For the other children a range of motion exercises are important of a different kind of medical care was recommended. Finally CCA judges all cases individually. When surgery is not possible, CCA tries to find different ways to improve the quality of life as well as the possibilities for development. Like the purchase of a wheelchair or crutches. Some children will get a chance to go to school by means of a scholarship en thus finish their training.
The visit of CoRSU to these vulnerable children in Karamoja was extremely important. It gave the children and their parents/caretakers hope. In the future we hope to reach more children with a handicap.
Please donate for surgery for handicapped children.