Stephen is one of the 80 applicants of the AWARE-CCA scholarship. The 20 years old boy lives in Kaabong with his father and his younger sister Nicolina. Their mother died when the children were still young. Life became difficult for the brother and sister when their father fell ill and lost his eyesight.
Story of Lillian en Jackline
Amudat district was characterized by cattle raids and violent conflicts between the native Pokot’s and neighbouring Karamojong and Turkana tribes for decades. These conflicts caused death and despair. Lillian’s father was killed by a Karamojong when he went for a cattle raid in 2009. Her mother re-married a very rich man and became is fifth wife. Lillian’s stepfather has 25 children.
Story of Christine
Christine’s (10) father died when she was a toddler. A few years later, her mother abandoned Christine and her siblings. She became addicted to alcohol and lives a tough life in town.
Story of Musa
Musa (12) is the eldest of four children and both of his parents are addicted to alcohol. Spending his life on the streets, he always admired other children, walking to school in their clean uniforms.
Story of Joseph
Joseph (11) lives in a small village in Amudat (Eastern Uganda), with his two brothers and three sisters. A few years ago, Joseph’s mother suddenly fell ill and passed away. Polygamy is accepted in the Pokot culture; most men have several wives. Joseph’s father is no exception: he has a second wife with six more children. Ever since Joseph’s mother passed away, his father stopped coming to their home. He has abandoned them.