Due to corona, schools in Uganda have been almost completely closed since March 2020. Meanwhile, the pressure on healthcare has increased. That is why the government announced last month that medical courses can open again. CCA already sponsored 3 boys with a medical education (1 laboratory technician, 2 nursing) and now decided to select 7 girls to join a course!
The selected girls will be taught for 2.5 years at St. Kizito Hospital School of Nursing and Midwifery in Napak district in Karamoja. A Catholic school founded in 1984 to educate young people and thus improve health care in Karamoja. The girls are taught and do internships in the adjacent Matany hospital. The training starts in October and the girls can’t wait!
After training, the girls will go to work in Karamoja and work for their own community. Watch the video about this program below: