Child Care Africa Foundation has received great news. Our application for our project has officially been approved by the TakaTuka Foundation. From January 2021 until December 2021, 84 women will be supported for a total of € 4000,-
Project “Strong Together”
In Karamoja we regularly meet women and mother who long for a better life for themselves and their children. They have no education, are often illiterate and have little opportunities to improve their economic situation. It is hard for the women to generate sufficient income to pay for the care and education of their children. Especially when the are single moms or receive little help from their husbands. Gathering firewood, making charcoal or collecting Aloe Vera don’t yield enough money.
Project “Strong together” especially aims at the support of 84 vulnerable women and mother who experience a distance to the job market. Strong women with great perseverance and a huge willpower. Through this project they will learn new skills, with which they can make a living in a dignified way and can move ahead on their own account. The goal is to be able to provide a livelihood for their families and send their children to school. The can participate in saving groups en start up small companies that make soap and jewellery. Or keep pigs and turkeys. We can not wait …and neither can they !.
About TakaTuka Foundation.
The TakaTuka Foundation has supported several project world wide since 2009. Private, innovative and small projects, in which especially women, children and youngsters are involved. The foundation supports projects that appeals to creativity, independence and inventiveness of the group in the project